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Contingency Planning & Editing

Contingency Planning & Editing

Integrated Contingency Planning
Wrote Integrated Contingency Plans (ICPs) to meet federal guidance and corporate policies which included Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans, Spill Prevention Reports (SPRs), Facility Response Plans (FRPs), Best Management Practices Plans (BMPs), and Stormwater, Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs).

Best Management Practices Plans/Storm Water, Pollution Prevention Plans
Conducted site evaluations to develop BMPs at industrial operations as required by a SPDES permit; developed SWPPPs and associated drainage plans; and designed sampling protocols to meet stormwater permit requirements.

Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plans
Developed SPCC Plans for manufacturers and a university.

Spill Prevention Reports
Prepared SPRs as required by New York State for manufacturers storing listed chemicals above threshold quantities; developed threshold reporting for chemical spills involving mixtures; and prepared state required, Registration Certifications for on-site bulk storage.

Edited the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Notices, Final Rules for the Federal Register such as the Concentrated Animal Feed Operation (CAFO) Rule and the Florida In-Land Nutrient Criteria Rule; and guidance documents related to state and federal water quality policy such as entrapment and entrainment of fish in closed loop water recycling systems in power plants, deficiencies in drinking water supplies for rural and disadvantaged communities, and preventing pollution in surface waters from stormwater run-off.