Air Permitting
Prepared Title V Air Permits for paper manufacturers; prepared Synthetic Minor – State Facility Permits for paper manufacturers; and assessed the impacts of installing a replacement, 58 MBTU boiler and New Source Review requirements under the Clean Air Act.
Stormwater Permitting
Prepared stormwater permits issued through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program; prepared a draft stormwater general permit template for US EPA; and reviewed stormwater sampling data at multiple outfalls for assessing compliance for permit renewals.
Wastewater Permitting
Wrote NPDES permits for industrial and municipal wastewater treatment plants which required using historical effluent data, evaluating Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), stream allocations for priority pollutants; and conducting a Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA) to calculate interim and / or final permit limits.
Prepared State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) wastewater discharge permits / renewals; and negotiated permit modifications from regulatory authorities on behalf of manufacturers which required a statistical evaluation of discharge data; evaluating stream allocations for pollutants, and calculating new effluent limitations based on Best Available Control Technology (BACT), Categorical Standards, and manufacturing production rates.
Permit Quality Reviews
Provided reviews of mining operation and coal fired utility permits for NPDES permit completeness.
Land Use Development and Permitting
Assisted municipal staff modify land use classifications to enable development within their hamlet; conducted research and provided evidence to the Adirondack Park Agency (APA) that a 1974 subdivision was decided in error and secured the area for community use as an interpretive walking trail; obtained an industrial permit from the APA to use biosolids as a growing medium to reclaim an abandoned mining site; and obtained a Beneficial Use Determination (BUD) from NYSDEC for land spreading biosolids.